Lumen Martin Winter: Legacy of Devotion | Hunter Museum of American Art 7.0.33-0+deb9u12

Lumen Martin Winter: Legacy of Devotion

Gallery 15 Ramp

On View June 14, 2024 - February 17, 2025

Lumen Martin Winter (1908–1982) was a celebrated midwestern American artist with a unique range of talents. His lifelong dedication to creating art resulted in a prolific body of work that included sculpture, painting, drawing, mosaic art, and murals. Though best remembered for public art, Winter painted and drew on a smaller scale daily.

Winter’s son William remembers his father’s passion for art, “He had a compulsion to create. If he had time, he would find some materials to use and something to draw.” His legacy is a lifetime of creativity and a commitment to artmaking that continued until his final days. Thanks to local collectors Patty and Larry Puckett, Winter’s drawings and paintings will be on view at the Hunter Museum, providing an intimate look into the artist’s studio and process.

Image credit: Lumen Winter (American, 1908–1982), Untitled Landscape, n.d., watercolor on panel, 13” x 20.5”. On loan courtesy of Patty and Larry Puckett.


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