Group of five poets and a child standing in front of exhibit which has large flowing pieces of red fabric on the wall that convene at a sculpture of a person cloaked in red sitting in a chair.
Thursday Oct 22 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Vision + Verse: Women’s Voices

Be inspired and moved as American poets from an array of backgrounds respond to The F Word: We Mean Female! They’ll share a blend of history, current events, ancient wisdom, and personal experiences. Learn how to bear witness as an active role, shouldering burdens and sharing joys. Presenting poets are from Black, Latinx, Cherokee, Pacific Island, European, and Baha’i backgrounds.


To keep everyone safe, there may be a second performance at 6:45. If we are full when you arrive, we invite you to explore the museum and then join us for the second performance.


This event is free and open to the public. Masks and physical distancing are required.